
Moments With The Maestro (Pandit Ravi Shankar)

This is an abridged version the film "Ravi Shankar". "Ravi Shankar" is a film portrait of the Sitar Maestro, depicting through a series of interviews and recitals his versatile personality as a well-known classical performer and a creative composer of Indian Music.

A Dream Takes Wings ( Dadasaheb Phalke )

A biographical documentary on Dadasaheb Phalke, the Father of Indian Cinema, produced to coincide with the Phalke birth centenary year.

Birju Maharaj

The film gives a brief account of the achievements of Kathak dancer,Birju Maharaj. It also brings out some interesting glimpses of Birju Maharaj's personal life.

The World of Dr. Haffkine

Waldameir Haffkine who founded the historic Haffkine Institute in Bombay 75 years ago was born on March 16th, 1860 in Odessa, Russia. He was trained at the Pasteur Institute in Paris under Louis Pasteur himself. After years of assiduous research he developed a cholera vaccine in 1892. He came to Calcutta to test his newly discovered vaccine in actual epidemic conditions. Dr. Haffkine came to Bombay to fight the plague epidemic in 1897. in 1899, he founded the Plague Research Laboratory which was later called the Bombay Bacteriological Laboratory and now the Haffkine Institute.

The Sruti and The Graces in Indian Music

The Indian melody is made up of notes which are related purely by the continuity. There is no such thing in Indian music as an exact quarter tone, but there are sharps that are sharper than the sharps of the diatonic scale and flats which are flatter.

Raga - I India

A short TV filler rendering the raga Megh Malhar as sung by Ustad Amir Khan. The Megh Malhar evoking the rain gods is generally sung between11.30 PM and 1.00 AM.

Our Indira

This film records the late third Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi taking oath of her office and addressing the first ever UN Conference on Human Environment at Stockholm, where she said, "The rich countries may look upon development as a course of environmental destruction...But to us, development is one of the primary means of improving the environment of living, of providing food, water, sanitation and shelter, of making the desert green and the mountains habitable."

Amir Khan

The film portrays the personality and family life of Ustad Amir Khan, the famous vocalist and his music.

Ahmad Jaan Thirakwa

The film on the life and performance of the Tabla player, Ustad Ahmad Jaan Thirakwa.
