
Tender is The Sight

Film revolves around a young teenager Hassibullah who head on challenges the deprivation of visual sensibility due to his childhood sightlessness.

Raga - I India

A short TV filler rendering the raga Megh Malhar as sung by Ustad Amir Khan. The Megh Malhar evoking the rain gods is generally sung between11.30 PM and 1.00 AM.


Pongal is the festival celebration of harvesting in Tamilnadu.


The strong hands have limitless abilities, infinite possibilities, to do everything from pulling the strings of hearts, filling dreams with colors. Hands can create anything to make life easier, But! Not always, the creativity can even kill the aesthetic sense and peace in human life. Out of search in peace and serenity the hands destroys its own creation and prays for healthy and peaceful living.
