
Mr. Clean Comes to City

Film on civic sense-about to keep city clean.

Keep Your City Clean

Keep your city clean is the message of this film, suggesting it in a funny manner.

Natures Symphony

An ornithological film showing the quotidian life of some of the Indian birds such as the bee-catcher, weaver, owl, copper smith, etc. mostly inhabiting the Bharatpur bird sanctuary in Rajasthan.

Unity Wheel

This animation film the wheel symbolizes the unity in our country inspite of religious and linguistic differences. The motto of this film united we stand divided we fall.


A film on the synthesis of images. The symbolic image of Mahatma Gandhi, the metamorphosis of life as in bull's image, the love of Gods in Madurai and the closing of identity in an active situation has been executed textually and environmentally in terms of cinema with the principal intention of alienating both the image and the action to make a protest against violence,

Friendship ( Dosti )

Friendship is an animation short based on one of the story of Panchtantra. This is a story of four friends a deer, a crow, a rat and a tortoise living happily in the Jungle. One day the deer is captured by a hunter and from there the adventure of friendship begins. This musical tale portrays the power of unity which is a quintessential element of coexistence and survival.

Creations in Metal

The film highlights the age-old art of Indian craftsmen. Varied rich creations in metal are displayed artistically in this short documentary.


A film on Aizawl, the " No -Horn-City " of India

Plastic World

In a vast and arid dystopian landscape of the future, covered in plastic waste, one man struggles to survive with his wife and dog. He scavenges a living in his world and they barely manage to survive. The only source of daylight comes pouring through a hole in the leaden sky which mountains of waste seem to lead up to and to the man this is a place of escape. One day he brings a fish home that he has scrounged from a plastic choked stream and after they feast on it, the dog dies, turning into plastic. His wife too displays the same symptoms.


Concerning the arrival of natural products such as vegetables and livestock as well as human labour into a city from rural areas, this film explores the product-commodity-exchange value relationship. Representing in itself a variety of exchange value, money as capital destroys the natural specificity of people and things. In the process, the labourer is reduced to a mere commodity.
