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"1. PANDIT NEHRU WITH PACIFISTS: Addressing the World Pacifists` Conference at Sewagram. He also delivered a convocation address at the Nagpur University.
3. NEWSFLASHES: (a) INDONESIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY: Dr. Soedarsono, the Indonesian representative celebrated this day in New Delhi. (b) INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: Dr. C. V. Raman presided over the 15th annual session in Bombay. Dr. Jolliet Curie from France attended the event. (c) HISTORICAL RECORDS COMMISSION: Mr. Asaf Ali inaugurated the 26th annual session of this commission at Calcutta. (d) LABOUR MINISTERS` Conference AT MYSORE: Labour Minister, Mr. Jagjivanram made an appeal to produce more`. (e) ILO CHIEF AT KANPUR: Mr. David Morse meets workers at the Employment Exchange. He is on a study tour in India. (f) JADAVPUR ENGG COLLEGE: Mr. A. R. Mudaliar addressed the annual convocation. (g) CARDINAL GILROY IN BOMBAY to receive Papal Legate in Bombay.
4. SARDAR PATEL IN BOMBAY, making an appeal at a mammoth public meeting for self-sufficiency. 5. ASIAN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS: Dr. Katju, Government of West Bengal opens in Calcutta this tennis match participated by many countries.



