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  • NM0014 : A Mission of Friendship

NM0014 : A Mission of Friendship

New York, July 28, 1982: The United Nations building on Manhattan Island. After arriving in New York on an 8-day state visit to the United States, the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi meets the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar. Talkie includes that of the Secretary General and of Mrs. Gandhi's. Back to New York on August 1: Mrs. Gandhi visits the Gurudwara in New York. Mrs. Gandhi, Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi took part in the prayers. On August 2, Mrs. Gandhi received the U Thant Award for Cultural Understanding between East and West. Talkie of Ralph Buultjens, the Awards Committee Chairman. August 4, Honolulu in Hawaii. August 5, Haneda Airport in Tokyo.




