
The Man Who Moved The Mountain

Film is on personality who dealing community work in hilly areas.

Vanishing Glacier

“Vanishing Glaciers “highlights cause of concern about abnormal melting of glaciers caused due to global warming. Glaciers contribute importantly to water resources in many mountainous regions.

Nicobar - A Long Way

Deep down the Bay of Bengal on an ancient trade route to the Far East, in the Nicobar archipelago lived the Nicobarese. The islands once upon a time were much frequented by passing traders for sojourns. The Nicobarese used to barter coconuts with them for fancies like an old hat or a coat, silk handkerchiefs, sometimes even empty alcohol bottles. In 1956, after being annexed to the Indian state, the Islands came to be protected under the Andaman and Nicobar Protection of aboriginal Tribes Regulation. Free Passage was restricted.

Remembering Kurdi

what is left of their homes, to perform rituals, have picnics and remember their dead. Gurucharan Kurdikar has vivid memories of his childhood in Kurdi but now lives in a city far away. Venisha fernandes was born after the submergence, but has grown up listening to stories of a lost paradise. Both return to search for where they belong in places imagined and places real. As Gurucharan and Venisha converse with a whole array of people, different aspects of the landscape and prior societal inter-relationships begin to emerge.

Living --The Natural Way

Film on " a miraculous and tender process of the creation of a big river island with rich biodiversity on the barren sand deposits of river Brahmaputra by a tribal person over a period of 30 years " and the destruction of the largest river island Majuli.

Tender is The Sight

Film revolves around a young teenager Hassibullah who head on challenges the deprivation of visual sensibility due to his childhood sightlessness.

Inner Voice

The short movie portrays the well known Kerala based playback and classical singer "Vaikom Vijayalakshmi". She is totally blind by birth. Interviews with Vijayalakshmi, father and mother reveals her potential to know several Ragas and film songs. The movie shows Vijayalakshmi's achievement during her 30 years of career.

The Exceptional Runner - Shalini Saraswati

The Film depicts that Ms.Shalini Saraswati, a woman who lost all her limbs to a dangerous viral infection Rickettsia. Inspite of that, Mr. Shalini did not lose hope and bettered her life by concentrating on her home, career and finally in the sports of running. She has participated in the 10 K, TCS marathon and now has set a goal of participating in 2020 Olympics.

Chimukli - Save The Child Girl

This film is on saving the girl child and stopping female foeticide. There is no comparison between a boy and a girl, both are equally important for the well being of society. As girls are looked upon as a symbol of love and care, the girl child in this film makes a humble request to live and make a difference in the world. The film shows positivity, hope and acceptance of girl child.

I am Bonnie

Bonnie (33) is again on run. He has been on the run from his family and sports fraternity since failing ‘sec test’ before the Bangkok Asian Games, 1998.
A born i0ntersex, raised by poor, illiterate and confused parents as a girl named ‘Bandana’, she became one of the finest strikers of Indian Woman’s Football team in her / his short career.
A Sex Reassignment surgery later transformed her / him to a man but left him without home or career. He left home, took up idol making for a living. He met Swati (F24) then, married soon but moved once again fearing social backlash.
