Black & White

The Beginning

It requires great courage and uprightness to fight againstin justice and corruption prevailing in various walks of life. Mohan, in this film, experiences the vicissitudes of the system around.

Raga - I India

A short TV filler rendering the raga Megh Malhar as sung by Ustad Amir Khan. The Megh Malhar evoking the rain gods is generally sung between11.30 PM and 1.00 AM.

Our Indira

This film records the late third Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi taking oath of her office and addressing the first ever UN Conference on Human Environment at Stockholm, where she said, "The rich countries may look upon development as a course of environmental destruction...But to us, development is one of the primary means of improving the environment of living, of providing food, water, sanitation and shelter, of making the desert green and the mountains habitable."

Man The Creator

A story of the delicate art and craft of Pottery as it has been practised through ages in this country.

Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan

A biographical film on Jai Prakash Narayan who was the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash was the first leader who launched successfully a mass movement in Bihar against corruption in public life. His successful fight against emergency has brought into power the first non-congress government in 1977. He was one great personally who brought political parties of various hues under one umbrella for cleansing the establishment and strengthen the democratic roots of the nation.

I Am 20

Those born on Independence Day in 1947 were selected from different parts of India and interviewed to know their hopes and desires, ambitions, hobbies, fears and frustrations and the result is this unique film.

Amir Khan

The film portrays the personality and family life of Ustad Amir Khan, the famous vocalist and his music.

Ahmad Jaan Thirakwa

The film on the life and performance of the Tabla player, Ustad Ahmad Jaan Thirakwa.

85 Nayak Ni Pol Porbander

The film depicts the historical background of the city of Porbandar briefly and then concentrates on the house of the ancestors of Mahatma Gandhi. The birth of the Mahatma and the various memories connected with the infant days of the Mahatma and other subsequent vital associations with the house are depicted further.
