Art & Culture


The film sketches the creative life of Kapil ( the protagonist ) who is a young, talented and one of the very few artists who practices Kutiyattam, a 2000 year old Sanskrit theatre form, part of the temple traditions of Kerala, South India. The film narrativizes the captivating ambience and world of Kutiyattam, through the events in one day of Kapila's life. It will be interspersed with pages from her life as a normal modern woman too.

Mind and Canvas

The film depicts the different minds from varied strata express themselves through painting.

Tribal Women Artists

The film depicts the creative instincts of tribal women of Hazaribug in Bihar through the paintings, drawings and sketches done traditionally.

The Sruti and The Graces in Indian Music

The Indian melody is made up of notes which are related purely by the continuity. There is no such thing in Indian music as an exact quarter tone, but there are sharps that are sharper than the sharps of the diatonic scale and flats which are flatter.

Songs, Colours and Market

Film is about Patachitra Paintings in rural West Bengal, where images of Hindu gods are made by Muslim community.

Raga - I India

A short TV filler rendering the raga Megh Malhar as sung by Ustad Amir Khan. The Megh Malhar evoking the rain gods is generally sung between11.30 PM and 1.00 AM.

NM0352 : Modern Art 1947-1997

This News Magazine shows the highlights of fifty years of Modern Art in Mumbai. The objective of this exhibition was to delineate the stylistic changes that have taken place over the last five decades.

Man The Creator

A story of the delicate art and craft of Pottery as it has been practised through ages in this country.
