
The Wind In The Maruwa Field

An ethnographic documentary on the TOTO tribe of West Bengal, one of the smallest primitive tribes of India having a population of 1400 odd. They stay in Totopara village near Bhutan border of West Bengal.

The Musical Journey of Khayyam ( Khayyam Ki Sangeet Yatra )

This documentary focus on Khayyam's musical journey spanning seven decades and his contribution to not only Hindi film but serials and non-film Ghazals as well.

Bansuri Guru

The film is on the life journey of flute Maestro Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia. Seven decade in the life of the Maestro Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia the living legend and exponent of the Indian bamboo flute. This film is the story of a man's triumph against odds to achieve that one thing closest to him his passion, his perseverance to excel and his destiny to master his passion.

Manipuri Pony

The film on Manipuri animal of character & strength, is inextricably linked with the culture, history & civilization of the land, was once treated as a family member. According to Meitei myths, it was the first animal created. Today Manipuri Pony is endangered species, but all hope for its survival is not yet lost.


" Rangbhoomi " follows the film maker as he attempts to trace the contours of Dada Saheb Phalke's life in Varanasi after he withdrew, disillusioned, from the world of cinema and decided to take up theatre. While in Varanasi, Phalke wrote a semi-autobiographical play titled " Rangbhoomi " which from the core of this cinematic exploration.


The film sketches the creative life of Kapil ( the protagonist ) who is a young, talented and one of the very few artists who practices Kutiyattam, a 2000 year old Sanskrit theatre form, part of the temple traditions of Kerala, South India. The film narrativizes the captivating ambience and world of Kutiyattam, through the events in one day of Kapila's life. It will be interspersed with pages from her life as a normal modern woman too.

Mind and Canvas

The film depicts the different minds from varied strata express themselves through painting.

Progressive Voyage - Konkan Railwa

This documentary film portrays Konkan railway as a synonym of " Engineering Marvel " A 20th century railway infrastructure project has improved connectivity with the rest of India bring better opportunities for trade & commerce.

The Man Who Moved The Mountain

Film is on personality who dealing community work in hilly areas.

Vanishing Glacier

“Vanishing Glaciers “highlights cause of concern about abnormal melting of glaciers caused due to global warming. Glaciers contribute importantly to water resources in many mountainous regions.
