Gender Issues

Rhythms of Life

Film depicts protest of crime & injustice against women through nava-rasa expressions in Indian classical dance.

Maa - The Story of An Unmarried Mother ( 1956 )

This film brings to light the little-known, yet one of the most human social problems of the country the problem of unmarried mothers and their children.

Chimukli - Save The Child Girl

This film is on saving the girl child and stopping female foeticide. There is no comparison between a boy and a girl, both are equally important for the well being of society. As girls are looked upon as a symbol of love and care, the girl child in this film makes a humble request to live and make a difference in the world. The film shows positivity, hope and acceptance of girl child.

I am Bonnie

Bonnie (33) is again on run. He has been on the run from his family and sports fraternity since failing ‘sec test’ before the Bangkok Asian Games, 1998.
A born i0ntersex, raised by poor, illiterate and confused parents as a girl named ‘Bandana’, she became one of the finest strikers of Indian Woman’s Football team in her / his short career.
A Sex Reassignment surgery later transformed her / him to a man but left him without home or career. He left home, took up idol making for a living. He met Swati (F24) then, married soon but moved once again fearing social backlash.