
Kathakali : The Dance Drama of Kerala

This is a description of the unique dance drama of Kerala. In this Pantomimic form of stage show a lot of drilling and self discipline being necessary, the documentary takes us to the school where the pupils are taught the essentials of this particular genre and later to the greenroom where various characters are made-up for the performance.

Jewel of Manipur (Part - I )

Manipur, which became a state of India in 1972, abounds in natural beauty in the north-eastern region. As mythology goes,God Nongpokingthou and Goddess Panthoibi created Manipur in their cosmic dance for the happiness of ancient tribes. This film has a panoramic view of life, culture of Manipur and various developments that have taken place since 1972.

Indo - Soviet Friendship

A film recording glimpses of the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi's visit to the USSR in 1982.

Hum Dono-The Two Of Us

As the landscape of the city changes vetically, and the plush cars zoom by, an elderly couple who are notable artistes in their own right, find solace in each other's company and a dedication to feed the strays of the area and keep their surroundings green.


A family planning motivational quickie advising people tospace child births by using contraceptives.

Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth is Kashmir, the valley having fascinating beauty bestowed by Nature. This film brings out the many splendored beauty that blossom in floral and seasonal variances. Artists capture this beauty in their works.

Four Faces

An anti-alcoholism film presents a case history of four incorrigible alcoholics who create nothing but unhappiness for themselves and others. Drinking is destructive.

For Your Better Tomorrow ( Aane Wale Kalke Liye )

A film campaigning for savings, it narrates a story of Harish, a mill worker and a union leader who persuaded his fellow workers to save regularly every month through the Pay Role Saving Scheme.

Do Hi Bachhey

A family planning campaigner informs the public about various family planning measures available for both males and females.

Call of The Khedda

Here is the story of how the mightiest of mammals, the elephant is caught. The film shows the difficulties encountered in trapping wild elephants in the thick forests on the banks of the river Kabini in Mysore. Stupendous efforts required for successful operation of the 'Khedda' are vividly explained in the film. Catching the wild elephants is a risky job indeed requiring patience, skill and years of training.
