

Faith and religion determines most of the actions of an average Indian. This is exemplified film against the background of Kumbha Mela held once in six year and once every twelve years at the confluence of the rivers Ganga, yamuna and invisible Saraswati.

Lohit Dairy

Behind the picturesque façade of Lohit Valley in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh hides a dark underbelly. Once traditional but now a cash crop, opium cultivation has brough prosperity to the Mishibi tribe. But the off shoot is drug addiction; its social and psychological upheaval. Three persons strive to reverse this trend in their own little way.

Jewel of Manipur (Part - I )

Manipur, which became a state of India in 1972, abounds in natural beauty in the north-eastern region. As mythology goes,God Nongpokingthou and Goddess Panthoibi created Manipur in their cosmic dance for the happiness of ancient tribes. This film has a panoramic view of life, culture of Manipur and various developments that have taken place since 1972.

Radha and Krishna

The immortal legend of Radha and Krishna Brought to life in a series of exquisite miniature Paintings is filmed here in vivid detail.

Advaita of Sri Sankara and Swami Vivekananda

This film juxtaposes the Advaita tenets propounded by Sri Sankaracharya, with that of Swami Vivekananda, and in the process it takes the viewer on a detour of the Advaita Ashram, Mayabati in Himalayas, known as the Abode Of Peace for Swami Vivekananda, along with various other Ashrams, as well as Srinegri Sharada Math of Sankaracharya, Kalady and the other four Maths established in four corners of India-taking up the various tenets of Advaita propounded by each of them and throw more light on the principles of Advaita.

A Few Things I Know About Her

Mirabai is a cultural icon and her images and stories swamp our popular culture. The conflicts expressed in her poetry however, do not always tally with this popularly held belief. The film explores some of these contradictions. We discover some alternate traditions of Mira and a personal connection is formed with this "Mystic Saint", who lived and died 500 years ago. We travel from the towns and villages of Rajasthan to the vast desert, in search of Mira. All the characters we meet have been living with Mira in different ways and in the telling of her story, they often tell us their own.

Rabhas of North East India- A Cultural Study

The vibrant and rich cultural life of the Rabha Tribe of North East India with emphasis on their dying language and sage.

Chalo Ad Banaye

Kiran undertakes a journey to discover the hidden talent in the common people. There is no shortage of talent in our country only there is a need to find it and encourage it.


Pongal is the festival celebration of harvesting in Tamilnadu.
